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Chester history comics for learning

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Exploring the Americas

See the clash of cultures as white Europeans set foot in the North American woods that are home to the First Americans. Who wins the fight for Florida? Who claims the Mississippi River – and then loses it? And why are the English so happy to find fish? Meet Columbus, Cabot, Cartier, LaSalle, Champlain, deLeon, deSoto and Menendez in this funny, colorful graphic novel that will excite reluctant readers and help homeschooling parents!

Comic sample page #1: When was Columbus put in chains?
Comic sample page #2: What did Cartier Discover/Rename?
Topics covered in this comic book
Teacher’s Guide for this comic book

When was Christopher Columbus arrested

Jacques Cartier founds Montreal Canada

Chapter 1: Christopher Columbus

Many European ships are sailing south and east around the continent of Africa to get to China’s silk and spices in the late 1400s. An Italian sailor named Christopher Columbus has a different idea. He asks the king and queen of Spain to pay for ships that will sail west across the Atlantic Ocean. Is there a shortcut to the riches of China? Will Columbus be lost at sea? Or will he find even more than he dreamed of . . .

Christopher Columbus includes the following topics:

How did Columbus learn to sail?
Why did Columbus’ sailors mutiny?
Where did Columbus land first?
When was Columbus put in chains?
When was Columbus shipwrecked?

Chapter 2: John Cabot

After Columbus claims this “New World” for Spain, other European nations scramble to get their own flags planted on these new shores. An Italian sailor named John Cabot tells the English king that he may have the quickest path to the new land: through the bitter North Atlantic Ocean. Will the English king gamble that Cabot is right?

John Cabot includes the following topics:

Where did cinnamon come from?
Who does Spain pay to sail west?
What king believed John Cabot?
What land did Cabot discover?
Whatever happened to John Cabot?

Chapter 3: The French In Canada

The French quickly follow John Cabot’s trail to the northern part of the “New World.” Explorers such as Cartier, Champlaign, and LaSalle mark the Great Lakes region for France. Will these new settlements be at war with the American Indians who already live there? Or will French fur trappers find a way to live and work in peace with these “First Americans?”

The French In Canada includes the following topics:

When did the French sail west?
What did Cartier rediscov — ah, rename?
What town did de Champlain build?
Who paddled the Mississippi River?
What land did LaSalle claim?

Chapter 4: The Spanish In Florida

Meanwhile, the Spanish tighten their grip on the southern regions of the Americas. Their continuing search for gold leads Spanish explorer Juan Ponce deLeon to a land of flowers. He names it “Florida” and claims it for Spain. DeLeon also hears a rumor that Florida has a fountain of water that can keep someone young forever . . .

The Spanish In Florida includes the following topics:

Who was Juan Ponce de Leon?
How did Florida treat de Leon?
When was St. Augustine settled?
Who built Florida’s Fort Mose?
When did Florida join the U.S.?

Teacher’s Guide
View the teacher’s guide for this comic

Chester crab comics