Homeschool All-Stars
Comic sample page #1: Ansel Adams
Comic sample page #2: Beatrix Potter
Biographies covered in this comic book

Homeschool All Stars is available exclusively through the Homeschool Buyers Co-op. Visit that order page here.
Biographies of famous home schoolers include:
* Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States
* Andrew Carnegie, Industrialist, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist
* Andrew Wyeth, the “Painter of the People”
* Ansel Adams, Photographer and Conservationist
* Beatrix Potter, Author of Peter Rabbit
* Buster Keaton, Comic Actor and Filmmaker
* Charles Lummis, Explorer, Journalist, and Indian Activist
* Charlotte Mason, Educator
* Daniel Mills, Publisher
* Frances Willard, Educator, Reformer
* George S. Patton, Army General and War Hero
* George Washington Carver, Scientist, Botanist, Educator, Inventor
* Jason Taylor, NFL Football Player
* Mary Leakey, Anthropologist and Archaeologist
* Pearl Buck, Nobel Prize-winning Novelist
* Philo T. Farnsworth, Inventor of the Television
* Stonewall Jackson, Civil War General
* Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
* Thomas Edison, Inventor
* Venus & Serena Williams, Tennis Stars
* William Jennings Bryan, Orator, Politician
* Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States