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Chester history comics for learning

history comic book SOL learning 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade

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Chester comics history for the visual learner or reluctant reader

history in the classroom
school learning comics "My students love the comix. Our 5th grade teachers should buy Slavery's Storm and Go West, Young Crab, which support their curriculum and Georgia's standards."
--Patricia, 4th grade
teacher from GA
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ancient history american history

State Standards – Pennsylvania

PA Standards Aligned System (2009-2010)

The wave of tougher classroom standards that swept across the nation in the late 1990s had some common themes: complicated economic ideas such as “opportunity cost” are now taught in elementary grades; a state’s own history gets in-depth treatment in fourth grade; ancient cultures across the globe are more important to the curriculum; US History now includes much more diversity in the stories it tells. Each state has put its own spin on these ideas. Here is how the line of Chester’s Comix with Content can help teachers in this state address those standards.

Click on the comic book title to see more information about what stories that comic has and to see material in that book’s free matching teachers guide.

GRADE 3/ Civics Standard 5.1.3.A, B, C, I, J government GOVERNMENT By the People
Standard 5.1.3.E, F, H government Constitution Construction
Standard 5.1.3.G, K, M history American Symbols
Standard 5.1.3.H biography, government Founding Fathers

Constitution Construction

Standard 5.1.3.M history, government Civil Rights Freedom Train
GRADE 3/ Pennsylvania History Standard 8.2.3.A, B biography, history American Symbols

Revolutionary Rumblings

Standard 8.2.3.C history, transportation First Americans

Moving and Grooving Transportation

GRADES 6/ Pennsylvania History Standard 8.2.6.B, C history Lewis & Clark
Transportation for a New Nation
Standard 8.2.6.D history Wonder Women
GRADE 6/ US History Standard 8.3.6.A history, government Jamestown Journey

Revolutionary Rumblings

Founding Fathers

Revolutionary City

War for Independence

Lewis & Clark

Transportation for a New Nation

Standard 8.3.6.B biography, government Jamestown Journey

Founding Fathers

Standard 8.3.6.C, D history, government Constitution Construction

Founding Fathers

War for Independence

Lewis & Clark

Transportation for a New Nation

GRADE 6/ Civics Standard 5.1.6.A, B, C, D, F, I, J government GOVERNMENT By the People

Constitution Construction

Standard 5.1.6.G, K history American Symbols
Standard 5.1.6.H biography, government Founding Fathers

Constitution Construction

GRADE 6/ Economics Standard 6.1.6.A, B, C economics Comix Economix
GRADE 9/ Pennsylvania History Standard 8.2.9.A, D history Civil War vol. 1

Reconstruction Junction

Standard 8.2.9.B, D history Civil War vol. 2
Standard 8.2.9.C transportation Lewis & Clark

Transportation for a New Nation

GRADE 9/ US History 1787 to 1914 Standard 8.1.9.D history Heroic Folk
Standard 8.3.9.A history Civil War vol. 1

Civil War vol. 2

Reconstruction Junction

Standard 8.3.9.B history American Symbols

Wonder Women

Lewis & Clark

Transportation for a New Nation

Slavery’s Storm

Civil War vol. 1

Standard 8.3.9.C history Go West!

Wonder Women

Slavery’s Storm

Civil War vol. 1

Standard 8.3.9.D history Go West!

Wonder Women

Slavery’s Storm

Civil War vol. 1

Civil War vol. 2

Reconstruction Junction

GRADE 9/ Civics Standard 5.1.9 government GOVERNMENT By the People

Constitution Construction

Chester crab comics