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The First Remainder.

The Used One

Wow. A milestone! The First Time I Saw One of My Books in a Used Bookstore.

Today, at the popular Book Exchange on Jamestown Road in Williamsburg.

Maybe a good thing? It means my stuff is out there, people are trying them. Not everyone will like what they read. Comix are a hard art form to navigate if you haven’t read any since Archie and Jughead when you were 7.

But I couldn’t stop staring — like finding one of my homemade cupcakes in the trash at the company picnic, with one bite out of it. I know in my head that used Chester Comix are out there — you can see them advertised on Amazon. But I’ve never physically come face-to-cover with one in all the used bookstores I love to cruise.

I resisted the urge to pull a Paddington and write a note to stick inside it: “Please take care of this book.”

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This entry was posted on Thursday, September 30th, 2010 at 9:31 pm and is filed under Author's Purpose. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

4 Responses to “The First Remainder.”

  1. peer2all says:

    I just think it looks good sitting on the shelf like that!

  2. Bentley Boyd says:

    True! It was in a place of honor, right in the window next to a bunch of other autumn/local books in the themed display. But now I have to resist the urge to swing back thru the bookstore this week to see if someone has snapped that comic up! 😉

  3. Ethan's Mom says:

    My 7-year old just discovered the Chester comix at the public library last week and absolutely loves them. I bet that someone originally bought the book you saw at the Book Exchange for a child who has now outgrown it. Rather than leaving it to gather dust on the shelf, the parents passed it along to a bookseller so some other lucky child would have the chance to read it. Take it as a compliment that the original owner wanted to share the book and the bookseller jumped at the opportunity to add it to his inventory, knowing he was going to make a sale!

  4. bentley says:

    I think you’re right — and my book didn’t stay there long. I went back a few weeks later with my best friend and the copy of “Revolutionary City” was gone. A happy ending!

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Chester crab comics